23 April 2009


Dear Diary,

Yes! Warning coz i'm not concentrate on my work lately. I fall in love! With?? Someone that love me forever...Allah! Yes. That would be my answer. I'm not copy any one..none! Not Kak Daalia, Kak Ida, Kak Yasmin or kak zati. I'm taking their class bcoz of my passion & love with foods. Yet not to show off what i have. I just want to try and take it as a hobby. Love? I only love my frens & family? Boyfriend? Not to say husband but boyfriend pun comes & go! So what's left? I only have Allah in my life... Baking? This hobby makes me become me! Lunch time i received call from Joe Jambul. I told Amy & she said "patutlah sy tgk muka akak mcm nk nangis". Enough is enough. I wont let any body hurts my feeling anymore. aT last we met cik minie! Thanks for the kain. Chantik! Nnti bile dh siap jahit nk show off kt cni erk! Sorry to D to not helping u. I'm not Dyah dekat Lendu. She's too week and arrogant. To let her frens over shadow her carier. No! I don't want to cry bcoz of you D. To Joe, I dont even know u anymore. Get off from my life. Thanks to everyone who will always stand besides me. Gary, frens & family. Thanks to Allah. Hidup ku, mati ku hanya utk mu!


  1. erm yup. thanks to u too diah coz make my cake at least for once hahahahaha!.. good luck on ur carier n ur life.. ko jgn kata taknak jumpa aku lg plak pehni!.. adios!..

  2. No problem cik minie...utk ko jer
